

Ben Hogan once said there are no shortcuts in the quest for perfection. And we at TG reckon there are no shortcuts to making the perfect putter.

Ben Hogan have followed the same philosophy as their founder and created a lovely range of putters from soft precision CNC milled 1020C carbon steel. Initially each is stamped into shape by a heavy forge, and the multi-step process strengthens and purifies the molecular structure of each head. Hogan say the idea leads to a tighter grain structure which improves consistency and feel in every head.

Forged, CNC milled putters are not the cheapest or easiest clubs to make, but Hogan believe the process creates the best and most reliable putters. With three blade and one mallet model to choose from, all with differing amounts of toe hang and face balancing, there’s a model in the in the BHB family for everyone.


Tech highlights

  • Forged CNC Milled heads

  • Four head options

    • BHB01 – A traditional toe and heel weighted plumbers neck blade - 50° toe hang

    • BHB02 – A face balanced players toe and heel weighted blade

    • BHB03 – A compact flow neck blade - 50° toe hang

    • BHM01 – A compact face balanced mallet with single bend shaft    

Customised for your perfect fit